SDCC Cantina Event Codes

Just putting these here in case anyone still needs a SWTOR SDCC Cantina code.. free mount, chance at other random stuff..


  • This crate contains the Prinawe Junction speeder and a random item. This random item could be (all character bound)
  • Dyes (including rare black/black dye)
  • XP boost
  • SP-RO Power Droid
  • Carbonite chamber regen item
  • First Grand Statue of Mandalore.


One from each of my accounts.. should still have plenty of uses left.  Feel free to put your code in the comments to share:


  1. Aw man I think I just got a stupid dye I want a Mandalore statue now

    1. Hey, I just remembered! I have more than one character! If I open enough boxes, I’ll probably get it eventually!

      1. Woo-hoo… Auto correct changed it to woo-boo, then woo-hop, then woo-how…. Stupid autocorrect.

  2. Results from the San Diego and Anaheim boxes:
    I opened these today, and I got mostly dyes, 4 XP boosts, 2 pets (this is actually legacy bound), no Carbonite chambers, and no Mandalore statues. Three dyes were pink and purple. I went through every single one of my characters, and my sister’s, and I didn’t get a freaking Mandalore statue… This is like a cartel pack with Revan gear, but better, because it’s only Mandalore.

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