Friday Update – 7/1/11

Our Friday update for the 1st, was a very cool Bounty Hunter armor progression video.

If you’re thinking… “Hey.. wait a minute.. the BH already HAD a progression video.. what’s going on?”  You’d be right.  They did have one.. Stephen Reid had this to say on the subject (as well as talking briefly about the Consular, since some folks think it’s been ‘forgotten’):

Just to reassure all Jedi Consular fans, there’s plenty of JC lurve coming down the line. In fact I was watching footage just this morning featuring a Jedi Consular… starring in their very own video.

Also as an FYI, we’re planning to do Character Progression videos for all classes, ultimately, and given their new ‘style’ we decided to re-do the Bounty Hunter. (The game has improved graphically since the previous video was created, too, so that’s a bonus.)

Anyway – the Consular has not been forgotten, far from it… and you’ll see for yourself… soon (TM).


The BH progression looks good.  Can’t wait to see what other armor sets are in the game.