Chevin Conglomerate Event… has begun! [Updated]

Head on over to Nar Shaddaa, and talk to the giant hologram by the golden Hutt statute to begin the event

Here’s the list of items he tells you to go find when you initially accept the quest:

• Vandrayk’s Tuning Apparatus
• A set of Rakata Eating Utensils
• One Fossilized Krayt Dragon Pearl
• One Preserved Colicoid Queen Egg
• The Collected Writings of Tiethiagg
• One Shard of Harterra
• One Akar Kesh Mediation Mask
• A Black-and-Orange Sphere
• One Plasma-Sealed Jar
I haven’t had the chance to go find anything yet.. but I did receive the quest.
Update: Dulfy has a good guide to the event, and where to find things posted over here.